My Claim

Personal injury solicitors

No win no fee, no hidden extras

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How can I make a claim?

Simply call us or fill out the claim form and we’ll take some details about you and your accident or injury. Once we take on your claim, we’ll send you details about how we progress your claim, your compensation and the things to expect during the claim process. You’ll then be assigned a case handler who’ll be in touch with you to discuss your claim and take any further details.

When can I make a claim?

You can contact us to begin your claim as soon after the accident or injury occurs.

Who can I make a claim against?

You can make a claim against anyone who causes the chain of events which has then resulted in an injury to you through their negligence. Those responsible could be anyone including an individual, business or even a friend. In most cases the costs are covered by their insurers.

It is your right to claim.

How long after my accident will my claim be valid?

Ordinarily the time limit for making a personal injury claim is 3 years. However, there are circumstances where it may be possible to pursue a claim for an injury as a result of an accident which took place more than 3 years before you claim.

In some type of cases it can be possible for the time limit for making a claim can be shorter than 3 years.

The best thing to do if you aren’t sure whether your claim is still valid is to contact us and we will advise you on the specific details of your case.

Is it a long and complicated process?

The legal process can take time and it is dependent on many different factors. At Harris Fowler we do all the hard work for you and progress your claim as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order for you to receive the compensation you deserve.

Will I need to fill in loads of forms?

As always there are some forms that need to be filled in and your case handler at Harris Fowler will help you with such forms. We’ll give you step by step instructions if you need them as it’s all part of our service.

What evidence will I need for my claim to go ahead?

There will almost certainly be a need for witness and medical evidence. Dependent on the type of case there may also be a need for photographic evidence and you may be asked to assist us and provide such evidence.

You will most likely need to attend a medical appointment with a specialist Consultant to obtain a medical report setting out the injuries you have sustained as a result of the accident.

Can I make a claim if I'm under 18 years old or have a mental illness?

Yes as long as you have a ‘litigation friend’ who will act on your behalf throughout your claim, which will normally be a parent or family member. If you don’t have anyone that can assist you, we can apply to the Court to have someone appointed for you.

Is it OK for my family or friends to get involved and help make my claim?

At Harris Fowler we understand that the claim process can be difficult for many clients for various reasons which will mean that they may need some assistance from family or close friends. There should be no problem with family or friends getting involved so long as we have your authority to do so.

Can you take over from my current lawyers?

Yes we are able to take over from your current lawyers in most cases and it is something that is not as rare as you may think. We offer a high quality service to our clients and in the event that you are unhappy with your current lawyer you can come to us.

How can I increase the chances of winning my case?

Make sure we are given all the information requested and that you co-operate fully with your case handler so that we are able to give you the best chance of succeeding with your claim.

If I was hit by an uninsured or unidentified driver can I still claim?

Where you are injured by what is commonly known as a ‘hit and run driver’ or the motorist at fault is uninsured, a safety net is provided for innocent victims by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (the MIB). We can act on your behalf to make a claim against the MIB to ensure you obtain the appropriate compensation.

“Harris Fowler are the only ones I would trust. They make everything clear, easy and always deliver total honesty – Thank you to all who worked on my claim.”

Mrs Wendy Filkins
Compensation Calculator

What do I do next?

*Cases issued and finished between 01.01.2019 and 31.12.2019

Call us now for FREE on 0800 213 214
or fill out the claim form.

*Cases issued and finished between 01.01.2019 and 31.12.2019

Find out if you have a claim

CALL FREE 0800 213 214