The Legal Process

Personal injury solicitors

No win no fee, no hidden extras

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Who will I deal with throughout my case?

Every client will have a personal, dedicated lawyer who will represent them throughout their claim, assisting them and guiding them through the legal process. In addition they may also deal with the case handler’s assistant or secretary who will be able to answer most general enquiries.

Do I need to meet with my lawyer?

For the majority of the time whilst our professional lawyers deal with your case they are able to communicate with you via telephone, letter and email. There may be occasions when you will need to meet with your Lawyer and we can adapt to your needs. At Harris Fowler we always try to work in a way that is most convenient to you and enables us to conduct your case in an efficient manner.

How long will my claim take?

It is impossible to give an exact estimate as it will entirely depend upon the circumstances of each individual case. Your lawyer will keep you informed of the legal process and will be able to give you a more accurate guide as to the length of time your case may take as the case progresses. The main concern is to ensure the claim is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

The insurance company offered me a settlement, should I accept?

This is unfortunately quite a common practice by insurance companies, with many of them offering far less than you need or deserve. To make sure you receive the right amount of compensation you should always get professional advice from specialist solicitors such as Harris Fowler.

Will I need to attend a medical examination?

The short answer is most likely to be ‘Yes’. In order to obtain the maximum compensation medical evidence will be required in the form of an experts’ report and therefore we may need to arrange for you to see a medical expert who specializes in the type of injury you have suffered. The report is designed to give an indication as to the amount of compensation you will be able to claim for your injuries and an indication of potential further treatment that may be required.

Do you always settle cases out of court?

The vast majority of claims settle without the need for court proceedings which in any event are always considered to be a last resort measure. If you do have to attend court we will explain the legal process to you in terms that are clear to you without using legal jargon. Remember we are experts in our field.

What if the other person won’t admit it’s their fault?

Liability or fault is not always admitted straight away or at all and it is the job of your Lawyer to fight your corner in cases where fault is not admitted. If fault is not admitted then your case may need to be issued in the courts and we will guide you through the legal process throughout.

Will you keep me up to date with how my case is going?

Once you have instructed Harris Fowler to act for you we will of course keep you updated on your claim and advise you regarding any significant developments. We will be there every step of the way to explain the legal process to you including explaining what is happening, what will happen next and the likely timescales involved for each step.

What do I do next?

*Cases issued and finished between 01.01.2019 and 31.12.2019

Call us now for FREE on 0800 213 214
or fill out the claim form.

*Cases issued and finished between 01.01.2019 and 31.12.2019

Find out if you have a claim

CALL FREE 0800 213 214